This is my collection of blogs.  I suppose I could have thrown them all in one pot, but since I plan on putting in my thoughts about everything from technology products to children's toys, it didn't seem right to mix them all together. 

Tech Reviews: its exactly that - reviews of technology products I've used.  They are not formal reviews, just my thoughts from having actually used the product.  I'm not going to get into device specifications, and feature by feature comparisons with other products.  Its simply my real world experiences using the product.  I'm not compensated for any of the reviews, nor am I given products to review.

//Code Comments: //Code Comments is my collection of programming notes.  I'm not a developer, but I have coded a fair amount in .Net (VB & C#), java, Android, Google Apps scripts, MSOffice macros etc.  If I stumble upon a trick or some other neat thing worth documenting, I might put it here.  And since I tend to forget solutions to problems I've already solved (or found a solution to), I'm hoping this little bit of effort might save me frustration of re-inventing the wheel later.

Misc Reviews: This is where I'll put non-technology related reviews.